Brondis-wsmsubscription_default_widget_titleSubscribe yourself to new articles on this website! Wecome to Brondis<p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Brondis is the source of new technology and great innovative designs. We work in a multydisciplinary teams with&nbsp;among others&nbsp;Mechanical engineers, Psychologists and Economists to find new concepts and designs.</p> <p>Currently we are starting up this concept and hope to be able to link even more brainpower to get the best result for our challenges.</p> <p>For companies interested in a "fresh&nbsp;pair of eyes&nbsp;on a challenge" we are here to support you. We can take any challenges e.g. "how can I increase productivity without increasing my costs" to "find a new way to close this bottle". Note we would love to be able to solve all issues but "world peace" is a bid out of reach. Hence if you have a great idea for a challenge please contact us and we will together with you define the scope of the challenge.</p> <p>To&nbsp;create our concepts we make use of brainstorms, creative teamwork and analytical skills. Joining our brainpower is free.&nbsp;Join us to create the largest creative brain in the world!</p> <p>Feel free to contact us at <a href=""></a></p> <p>We are looking forward to go to the core&nbsp;of creative concept design with you!</p> <p>BRONDIS</p> <p></p>